Home:Overview of HTML elements and Tags.

HTML elements are building blocks of webpage. Here, we will explore 15 common HTML elements and their usage

1. Heading Tags '< h1 > to < h6 >'

Headings in HTML are used to define titles and subtitles on a webpage. They range from < h1 > to < h6 >, with < h1 > being the largest and most important, while < h6 > is the smallest.

2. Bold Text '<b>'

The <b> tag makes text bold.

3. Image Tag '<img>'

The <img> tag is used to embed an image. The src attribute specifies the image source (URL or file path). The alt attribute provides alternative text for the image if it cannot be displayed, useful for accessibility.

4. Anchor Tag '<a>'

The <a> tag creates a hyperlink to another webpage or resource. The href attribute specifies the URL.

5. Subscript '<sub>'

<sub> is used to write text as a subscript (e.g., chemical formulas like H₂O).

6. Supscript'<sup>

<sup> is for superscript (e.g., mathematical exponents like x²)

7. Marked Text '< mark>'

The <mark>tag highlights text to indicate its relevance or importance, typically in yellow color.

8. Division '<div>'

The <div> tag is a block-level element used to group content together. It is commonly used to structure a webpage.

9. <table>

The <table> element is used to create tables. It includes tags like <tr> for rows and <td> for cells.

10. <button>

The <button> element defines a clickable button element defines a clickable button.

11. Unordered List <ul>

The <ul> is used to create an unordered list, where list items are typically marked with bullets (●).This is ideal for lists where the order of items does not matter

12. Ordered List <ul>

The <Ol> is used to create an ordered (numbered) list, Each list item is numbered, making it perfect for steps, rankings, or any list where the order matters.

13. List item<li>

The <li> tag defines a list item. It must be nested inside either an <ul> (unordered list) or an <ol> (ordered list). Each <li> represents one item in the list

14. <Style>

The <style> tag is used to define internal CSS within an HTML document. This tag allows you to style i.e color, size, font, etc. HTML elements directly in the document

15. <footer>

The <footer> tag is a semantic HTML element that defines the footer of a webpage or a section of the page. It is typically used to group together footer content like: Copyright information, Author details, contact information, etc.